Pushing the boundaries for recycled aluminium
Hydro is launching a new series of certified low-carbon aluminium products. Minimizing the carbon footprint of our products and maximizing opportunities for our customers. The higher the recycled content, the better it is for the environment.
Operating the most advanced sorting technology in the industry allows us to provide one of the highest recycled content in the market. Currently we offer Hydro CIRCAL 75R that contains a minimum of 75% post-consumer scrap. The higher the recycled content, the lower the carbon footprint.
When guaranteeing more than 75% recycled content, we exclusively refer to aluminium that has reached its end of life as a product in use and brought back into the loop.
The production process is fully traceable, and the product is certified by an independent third party.
That is real recycling, making Hydro CIRCAL 75R a seal of approval for low-carbon aluminium.
Contact Hydro today to understand how we can offer products and services that can help you meet your sustainability goals: hydro.com/circal
Whether it’s old windows, wheels, or beverage cans, recycling aluminium requires just 5% of the energy needed to produce primary aluminium
Aluminium can be used over and over again without loss of quality. As a lightweight, strong and highly versatile material, it plays a
big role in everyday life.
You can find aluminium in anything from cars and airplanes to bicycles, computers, food packaging and more.
An estimated 75% of all aluminium ever produced is still in use
Meet your sustainability goals – with low-carbon aluminium
When your customers want greener aluminium products with a lower carbon footprint, give them Hydro REDUXA.
Our range of extrusion ingots, foundry alloys, sheet ingots, forge stock and wire rods is guaranteed to have generated a maximum 4.0 kg CO2-equivalents per kg of aluminium – one-fourth the global average. We do this by using renewable energy sources like hydro power and hyper-efficient electrolysis technology at our aluminium plants in Norway. By mastering every step of the entire value chain, from bauxite mining to alumina refining to aluminium production, and on to recycling, we are in a unique position to control every aspect.
Benefits of Hydro REDUXA 4.0
- Maximum or below 4.0 kg CO2e/kg aluminium, including all process steps (Scope 1, 2 and 3)
- TRACEABLE down to each individual batch
- VERIFIED by DNV-GL according to ISO 14064
- CONFIRMED by Environment Product Declarations
- Available as Aluminium Stewardship Initiative-certified aluminium
Scope 1:
Direct emissions from electrolysis and fuel combustion unit processes
Scope 2:
Emissions from the production of electricty
Scope 3:
Other emissions (e.g. from transport, cold metal, etc.)
Available in all formats and alloys:
Hydro REDUXA is supplied from Hydro’s Norwegian smelters, all based on electricity from renewable sources: hydropower, wind and solar. Hydro REDUXA can be delivered as:
- Extrusion ingots and forge stock
- Foundry alloys
- Sheet ingots
- Wire rod
Sustainability is about more than just the carbon footprint
Aluminium Stewardship Initiative
Hydro aluminium is now ASI certified throughout the value chain.
Hydro is an active member of the Aluminium Stewardship Initiative (ASI). ASI’s mission is to recognize and collaboratively foster the responsible production, sourcing and stewardship of aluminium.
All the sites where our Hydro REDUXA is produced are certified according to the ASI Performance standard and the ASI Chain of Custody standard.
DNV GL is a global quality assurance and risk management company providing certification, classification, technical assurance, software and independent expert advisory services services to customers across a wide range of industries.
As a further service to designers and engineers looking for trustworthy data on environmental impacts, Hydro is releasing a series of EPDs for the REDUXA products where you will find the full declaration of transparent and comparable information about the product and its life-cycle environmental impacts.